That troll. I don’t know;;

If your wondering where is the color, here is my explanation.

I’m drawing Mimolette chapter 2 and I’m not where I want to be with it right now.  In order to finish it with enough time to print before MoCCA fest, and keep RLJ pages going up, I decided it would be better to just put ink pages up during the first few weeks of April and color them during May.

I’m also working on a new set of charms for MoCCA (and other Conventions) and a store online here to sell them as well. I know what store front I will be using I just need to sit down and put it online. There will be previews up of some of them so keep posted!

In the mean time my roommates have really cool things going on! Divi has a commission drive going on, and Savannah has this really cool shirt up on Threadless! Check it out and give it a vote!  : )

Ok, lots to do!! Gotta get some sleep to do them well. 🙂