RescuePlan 04
Welcome back Embee. 🙂
Oh Awesome thing to announce for SPX and TopatoCon!
I will have card decks for sale! (sorry if these photos aren’t super clear)
All cards are hand cut and will be getting finished this weekend! Pending all things going well I will have a bunch of them to sell at SPX and TopatoCon in a couple weeks! As a SPX special if you buy a deck you will get a Card suit button to match!
I’m SUPER excited to have a deck of cards available. I’ve been planning to do card decks for some time and I’m so happy my first one has finally taken form. They came out awesome looking! If you are able to attend SPX or TopatoCon please stop by table E6 and check out these cards! 😀
Peppermint Morgc’s arm mirror flips in the first and second panel.