Blame the plush robot on Megas XLR. Cause I was kinda watching it while penciling XD
ANYWAY! Me and my table mate Savannah got interviewed at SPX.
I’ve never done a video interview before either, so please excuse the shifty eyes. I apparently never know where to look when there’s a camera in front of me. XD
SPX as a whole was pretty fun! Thank you everyone who came by the table and bought and traded with me!
Letting you all know, I will be at New York comic con walking around. I don’t know for sure my plans yet, but you can follow my twitter and see updates.
I need to get back into doing more warm up/ fun sketches now that Womanthology is done. SO If you have requests! I’d love to hear them! At the moment I’m going to doodle some Ranna and Bacon monster charms for MoCCA. Maybe figure out other things to do also. Maybe I’ll make some My Little Pony, or Soul Eater charms too. XD
So that’s all for now!
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