Ok got through the black in white stories! This story is in color!
Also starting in February I’ll be continuing updates on Fridays.
Thanks for reading so far 🙂
Ok got through the black in white stories! This story is in color!
Also starting in February I’ll be continuing updates on Fridays.
Thanks for reading so far 🙂
really like the colors in this one. Also, happy to know I’m not the only person who shaves rocks 😉
I agree, the color works well. And I <3 Pancrazio!
An excellent hobby, Gavin.
BUT: can you shave rocks while hanging…
Pancrazio takes owning a pet rock seriously.
Love the new look. It’s great!
Aw! Pancrazio is so very adorable in color!
I only just noticed how much the other penguin suit looks like a dead body.
And I’ve read this how many times without noticing? Too many.