Yes this was a short chapter (more like a scene really.)
I’m really excited for the next chapter, there is going to be a lot of fun stuff for me to draw 😀
P.S. Happy day after Thanksgiving! I’m visiting the folks this week so I won’t be getting a thanksgiving sketch up until Sunday when I’m back home.
Plus Keep an eye out during Hanukkah, I’m doing a Hanukkah Run Lil Jared Artist trading card set as a holiday treat. (:
And also I wanted to pose a question, how would you guys feel about me offering Run Lil Jared Charms or artist trading card commissions during the holidays? Just want to see if anyone is interested.
Oh Samone, there goes your tsun-tsun again. We’re gonna need a dose of dere~dere to balance this out.
Batsy is so hot *drool*, lol
Jeez, the girls in this comic are so eloquent. xD